Differences in well-being of informal caregivers: a comparative cross-sectional study of Polish caregivers

Magdalena Mucha, Magdalena Leszko, Andrzej Potemkowski


Introduction: The diagnosis of dementia can significantly affect all aspects of a caregiver’s life. Although providing care can be a positive experience, it can also have serious negative consequences for the caregiver’s mental and physical health. As caregiving tasks accumulate as the disease progresses, caregivers may choose to place a disease-affected family member in a nursing home.

The aim of this study was to examine differences in depression and caregiver burden among caregivers based on their parents’ care setting (home vs. nursing home).

Materials and methods: A total of 100 caregivers participated in the study. Data collection included care-recipient and informal caregiver’s demographic characteristics, duration of care, levels of depression, and caregiver burden.

Results: Caregivers who decided to place a parent in a nursing home reported significantly lower levels of overall subjective caregiver burden than caregivers who provided care at home, t(98) = 2.884; p = 0.004. No significant differences were found in their levels of depression.

Conclusions: Healthcare professionals should be alert to symptoms of caregiver burden and depression among caregivers and refer them to appropriate resources for help and assistance.


Alzheimer’s disease; caregiving; nursing home placement

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21164/pomjlifesci.734

Copyright (c) 2021 Magdalena Mucha

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