Comparison of effectiveness of local cryotherapy alone and modified Kinesiology Taping method in patients with chronic pain and limitation in cervical spine mobility

Żaneta Ciosek, Aleksandra Szylińska, Łukasz Kopacz, Karolina Kot, Iwona Rotter


Introduction: While pain in the cervical spine is less common than lower back pain, 33% of people experience neck pain in their life. The techniques for reducing the pain are local cryotherapy and Kinesiology Taping (KT).

The aim of the study was to compare the effectiveness of local cryo­therapy applied separately, and a modified KT method in patients with chronic pain and limitation in cervical spine mobility.

Materials and methods: The study group comprised 64 patients: 23 men and 41 women with chronic pain and limitation in cervical spine mobility. The patients were randomly divided into two groups of 32 people. In the first group, the patients, 20 female and 12 male, were subjected to 10 local cryotherapy treatments (without weekends), examination of mobility of the cervical spine (on the first and the last day of study) and KT. In the second group, the participants, 21 female and 11 male, underwent 10 local cryotherapy treatments and examination of mobility of the cervical spine.

Results: The analysis of patients qualified for cryotherapy and KT after 10 treatments showed the biggest increase, 0.51 cm (p < 0.001), in the range of motion in the direction of extension. The difference of rotation to the left was 0.43 cm (p < 0.001), rotation to the right was 0.42 cm (p < 0.001), the lateral bending to the right was 0.41 cm (p < 0.001), and the lateral bending to the left was 0.4 cm (p < 0.001).

Conclusion: Greater increase in the range of motion of the cervical spine is obtained after the application of cryotherapy and KT than local cryotherapy alone.


ból; odcinek szyjny; Kinesiology Taping; krioterapia miejscowa

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Copyright (c) 2017 Żaneta Ciosek, Aleksandra Szylińska, Łukasz Kopacz, Karolina Kot, Iwona Rotter

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