Katarzyna Szymoniak


Introduction: It is commonly known that gynaecological examinations cause a lot of negative emotions in the majority of women. The aim of my work was: 1. Getting to know women’s views on the nature of a pelvic examination and their expectations regarding gynaecologists. 2. To determine the correlation between the examined views and independent variables such as the age of the respondents, residence, and place of examination.

Material and methods: The research material consisted of 1200 women living in the region of Western Pomerania and in Łódź. The measurement tool was a survey of my own authorship.

Conclusions: 1. In the opinion of most women, gynaecological examination is embarrassing and stressful. It has not been proven that this opinion was related to age, residence or place of examination. 2. According to women, the most embarrassing moment of a visit to the gynaecologist is lying down on the gynaecological chair, and the gynecological examination. The most unpleasant aspect is palpation through the vagina and rectum. These feelings differ depending on age, residence and place of taking the examination. 3. The choice of the gynaecologist’s gender is dependent on women’s age. 4. The frequency of reporting for the gynae‑ cological examination decreases with women’s age, and is dependent on their place of residence. 5. A sense of safety and mental comfort during the gynaecological examination is provided by the lack of third parties, except for the presence of a midwife. It is also dependent on the patient’s age, her place of residence, as well as the examination site. 6. Women’s expectations of a gynaecologist are focused mainly on maintaining a sense of intimacy and safety, getting information about the procedures, as well as a pleasant and individual approach.


women’s expectations; gynecologist; gynecological examination; gynecological surgery

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21164/pomjlifesci.11

Copyright (c) 2016 Katarzyna Szymoniak

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