Surgical management of impacted upper canines – a review of the literature
Materials and methods: The literature review was conducted using the Scopus and Wiley databases. All open-access English--language articles on impacted canines, published between 2017–2021, were included in the analysis. The search terms used were: impacted canine, impacted canine teeth, impacted canine surgical, and orthodontic treatment. The search yielded a total of 216 records. Studies focused on the impact of upper canines, as well as surgical and orthodontic treatment, were included, while book chapters were excluded. The evaluation of the articles was performed, and duplicate records were disregarded. A total of 25 articles were included in the literature review.
Etiology: The main factors causing the retention of upper canines are divided into systemic, genetic, and local categories, with local factors being the most common cause of these abnormalities.
Clinical and radiological diagnostics: Diagnosis of impacted upper canines includes anamnesis, clinical examination, and radiological evaluation. The initial screening typically involves a panoramic radiograph. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) provides the most accurate localization of the impacted canine. A comprehensive clinical and radiological diagnosis enables proper planning of surgical procedures and orthodontic treatment.
Treatment: Treatment of impacted upper canines can be surgical, orthodontic, or a combination of both in a team-based approach. The management strategies vary, and therapeutic success depends on well-planned and carefully executed surgical and orthodontic procedures.
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