Does parental nutritional education ensure proper nutritional status in infants?
Materials and methods: The follow-up study included a group of parents of 168 Polish infants. Their parents were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups: the intervention group received intensive mobile nutritional education for 1 year, while the control group received no intervention. The children were assessed 12 months after the end of parental participation.
Results: Our study showed that parental nutritional education influenced, among other things, the body mass index (BMI) z-score (the difference between the groups was 0.991) and the micro- and macronutrient intake of the children. The influence was still visible 12 months after the end of the study.
Conclusions: The final results of our study showed that proper nutritional education could improve the nutritional status of children at the population level.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dagmara Woźniak, Kinga Ilnicka-Borowczyk, Michalina Banaszak, Juliusz Przysławski, Mirosława Wieczorek-Filipiak, Sławomira Drzymała-Czyż
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