The role of mirror neurons in cognitive and social functioning

Marta Fabiańska, Mateusz Bosiacki, Donata Kinga Simińska


Mirror neurons were accidentally discovered in the research on the activity of nerve cells conducted in Parma by a team of Italian scientists. They observed that some brain cells were activated when the animal performed a given activity but also when it only observed a similar activity performed by someone else. The following discovery of mirror neurons in the human brain initiated a wave of experimental research which confirmed that mirror nerve cells are indeed responsible for understanding other people's mental states and that this process is much more complicated and much more important from an evolutionary point of view than it might seem.  The activity of the mirror neurons is noticeable in everyday life, during all interactions with people and other living beings, exhibited by mirroring – the reflection of emotional and epistemic mental states of others based on their behavior. We present the activities of mirror neurons and the theoretical framework of research. Finally, we discuss the results of neurological studies which made it possible to locate and define in detail the role of the mirror neuron system in the human brain.


mirror neurons; mind theory; autism; empathy

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