Nutritional styles of Poles and their socio-demographic determinants

Agnieszka A. Borowiec, Anita E. Aranowska



Introduction: Nutrition belongs to the modifiable risk factors for diseases and is a topic of health education. Its change may be difficult because food is not only a physiological need but is also a part of lifestyle. Lifestyle is defined as a coherent whole, including the behaviour chosen by people to the extent that allows them their place in the social structure. Different dietary practices can create clusters that are components of different lifestyles.

The aim of the analysis was to identify the nutritional styles of Poles and their socio-demographic determinants.

Materials and methods: Data were acquired from a survey conducted on a nationwide representative sample (n = 1000) completed in 2016. Principal component analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were performed.

Results: Three nutritional styles were identified: “careless”, “healthy” and “traditional”. The “careless” style is typical for men, younger people and those living in larger households. It is rarely typical of professionals and managers, or pupils and students, retirees and pensioners, and residents of the smallest cities. The “healthy” style is mostly characteristic of women, those with tertiary and secondary education, students and entrepreneurs. The “traditional” style is more frequent among younger people living in smaller households, with secondary and vocational education, as well as residents of cities with a population from 50 to 200 thousand.

Conclusions: The analysis indicated the existence of nutritional styles associated with position in the social structure, and this should be considered in health education related to nutrition.


nutrition; lifestyle; health education

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