Symptoms of connective tissue disease in a patient with multiple myeloma – a case report

Małgorzata Rutecka, Marek Brzosko


Introduction: Multiple myeloma is a cancer of the lymphatic system characterized by the proliferation and accumulation of monoclonal plasma cells which in most cases produce monoclonal immunoglobulin. It occurs most often in the elderly. The first symptoms of myeloma are nonspecific. There are, among others, bone pain and weakness associated with anaemia. In advanced myeloma the symptoms mostly arise from the co-existence of osteolytic lesions and pathological fractures. The clinical presentation of multiple myeloma may resemble many other diseases, including rheumatic diseases.

Case report: In this publication, we present a case of a patient reporting symptoms of connective tissue disease in the course of multiple myeloma.

Conclusion: Symptoms of connective tissue disease may precede or mask the symptoms of cancer. In cases of uncharacteristic course diagnostics should always be expanded to consider proliferative diseases.


monoclonal gammapathy; rheumatoid arthritis; Raynaud’s phenomenon

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