Subjective and objective body esteem of nursing students at Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin

Dominika Kaska


Introduction: Body appearance is important in interpersonal relationships. Body composition analysis allows for the objective evaluation of a body, which contributes to a realistic view of the problem.

The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between individual parameters of body composition and self-esteem of appearance among female nursing students.

Materials and methods: The study involved a group of 210 nursing students of the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin (Poland). The diagnostic survey was conducted using The Body Esteem Scale, as well as a self-report questionnaire and individual body composition analysis performed using the Jawon Medical IOI 353 analyzer.

Results: Most of the respondents rated their self-esteem at a low or medium level. Body composition analysis showed normal body weight in just over half of the respondents. Results for the body mass index were significantly different from the body composition analysis, and almost 71% of the surveyed students had normal weight. There was a correlation between protein level and weight control score (p = 0.000) and physical fitness (p = 0.038); 70% of respondents with fat levels above normal had low self-esteem as to their weight control, and 53% of respondents had low self-esteem of physical fitness. Professional activity was correlated with the self-esteem of body appearance.

Conclusions: Nursing students are moderately satisfied with the image of their own body. The objective evaluation of body composition is based on detailed, impartial and reliable results of bioelectric impedance analysis. Women who care for their health while maintaining proper body composition are characterized by high self-esteem of their body. Self-esteem of the body may be affected by age and professional activity.

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