Functional limitations associated with lumbosacral spine pain in pregnant women

Magdalena Brylewska-Pinda, Ewa Kemicer-Chmielewska, Joanna Pierzak-Sominka, Hanna Mosiejczuk


Introduction: Lower back pain affects most pregnant women. Pain is often associated with varying degrees of functional limitations, causing a problem for pregnant women in the performance of many everyday activities. The aim of the study was to assess the extent to which lumbosacral spine pain caused limitations in the daily functioning of pregnant women, and the relationship between reported restrictions and analysed variables.

Material and methods: The study was conducted in the city of Szczecin in Poland among 81 pregnant women. Data were collected using a standardized Oswestry questionnaire survey (The Oswestry Lower Back Pain Disability Questionnaire). Results were analysed using the χ² test of independence. The signiϐicance level was adopted at p < 0.05.

Results: The majority of women pregnant for the second time (n = 38) had mild disability. The relationship between the degree of disability and the order of pregnancies was statistically significant (χ² = 40.457, p = 0.0000000085).

Conclusions: The majority of pregnant women had minor functional limitations due to pain in the lumbosacral spine region. The degree of functional limitations depends on the trimester of pregnancy and the order of pregnancies.


pregnant women, back pain, mobility limitation

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