What is the nutrition regimen followed by athletes after the end of their sporting career?

Joanna Hołowko, Maja Czerwińska, Wysokiński Paweł, Dominika Maciejewska, Marcin Banaszak, Krzysztof Ficek, Krzysztof Wilk, Ewa Stachowska


Introduction: The aim of this study is to assess the nutritional habits of participants in the research project “CRON -diet as an alternative method for athletes who have completed their sporting career”.

Materials and methods: 94 former athletes from Poland participated in this study. A standardized Food Frequency Questionnaire was used for interview. Respondents were interviewed once, during the first visit after inclusion in the study.

Results: Most former athletes had 3 meals per day during the last 12 months (39.4%), not respecting speciϐied consumption hours (44.7%). The most commonly consumed foods are: whole grain bread, fruits and vegetables. Respondents reported the consumption of these foods several times a week. The study revealed a correlation between the consumption of fruit in general and a preference for apples and pears (r = 0.7340; p < 0.05).

Conclusions: The study showed that former athletes’ diets are quite diversiϐied. It should be mentioned that former athletes’ diets consists of a low number of meals, which are not consumed at fixed times. Respondents were aware that their diet provided too much sugar and fat; some of them declared that they try to reduce the consumption of these products in their daily diet.


former sportspeople; nutrition; Food Frequency Questionnaire

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21164/pomjlifesci.150

Copyright (c) 2016 Joanna Hołowko, Maja Czerwińska, Wysokiński Paweł, Dominika Maciejewska, Marcin Banaszak, Krzysztof Ficek, Krzysztof Wilk, Ewa Stachowska

License URL: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/