The result of the repair of an index finger pulp amputation with a concomitant flexor digitorum profundus tendon tear in Zone 1, using a combination of a cross-finger flap and pull-out tendon suture: a case report

Bernard Piotuch, Filip Fliciński


Flexor tendon injuries classified as Kleinert Zone 1 are challenging to repair, particularly in cases involving complex injuries with soft tissue defects. This report presents a case of a patient who sustained an amputation of the pulp of the index finger with a concomitant flexor digitorum profundus tendon tear in Zone 1. The patient underwent immediate surgery under brachial block anesthesia. The complex injury was treated using a combination of a cross-finger flap for the pulp defect and a pull-out flexor tendon suture. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient recovered within 3 months. A final clinical assessment conducted 4 months after the accident showed normal hand function, allowing the patient to return to his original job. In addition to the treatment approach used, the article discusses other suitable treatment options for this type of injury.


finger pulp amputation; flexor tendon repair; cross-finger flap; finger reconstruction; outcome measures

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Copyright (c) 2025 Bernard Piotuch, Filip Fliciński

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