An analysis of hand surgeons’ motivations for making therapeutic choices in light of their consistency with evidence-based medicine and current medical knowledge

Andrzej Żyluk


The diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries should be based on rational grounds and be consistent with current medical knowledge. Decisions made in accordance with established and generally accepted standards (the so-called “evidence--based medicine”) at least in principle ensure an optimal level of medical practice. Decisions about the choice of a particular treatment method are usually based on the knowledge acquired during specialization in a given medical discipline (the so-called “current medical knowledge”). The objective of this study was to attempt to analyze hand surgeons’ motivations for making therapeutic choices, assuming that each of these decisions should be consistent with evidence-based medicine and current medical knowledge, as well as rational and beneficial for the patient. Reasons for decision-making in 2 injuries commonly seen in hand surgical practice and 1 that is uncommon but stressful and requires urgent action are presented. It was shown that when deciding on the choice of treatment, the surgeon is guided by various considerations, which are discussed in detail in this article.


decision-making in hand surgery; evidence-based medicine; treatment guidelines; distal radial fractures treatment; scaphoid fracture treatment

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