Development of a modern paradigm of disability

Marcin Kolwitz, Iwona Radlińska


The aim of this study was to show the evolution of the paradigm of disability associated with the scientific discourse, but also social and cultural changes. The problem of people with disabilities has existed since the beginnings of civilization, and with its development the concept of disability has also evolved. The individual problems of a patient have, over time, been treated as a medical problem associated with the disease, including its effects on physical and mental health. After World War II there were significant changes in the perception of disability and disabled people, which was associated with the rise of medical sociology and the emergence of new descriptions of diseases. New discourse on people with disabilities meant that they began to participate more frequently in public debate. This, in turn, had an impact on the attitudes of society and social policy towards people with disabilities. The model of disability evolved, and disability was finally treated as a social problem with an impact on the functioning of the whole society.


Disability: Disabled person; Social policy; Social problem; Sociology of medicine

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