Environmental factors and psychomotor development in children up to the age of 3

Joanna Owsianowska, Marta Wawrzynów, Sylwia Wieder-Huszla, Paulina Zabielska, Artur Kotwas, Anna Jurczak, Beata Karakiewicz


Introduction: Chemical compounds and other pollutants found in the environment have a well-documented, adverse effect on the life and health of the individual. Those most exposed to toxic effects include prospective parents, pregnant women, foetuses, and consequently also young children. In Poland,both the prevention and early multidisciplinary detection of developmental abnormalities is insufficient. The objective of the study was to analyse the effects of the toxic exposure of the mother on pre- and post-natal development of the child.

Material and methods: The study was conducted in the form of a diagnostic survey. The degree of toxic exposure was assessed based on M. Wawrzynów’s questionnaire, Mothers’ Toxic Exposure Assessment Questionnaire (Kwestionariusz Oceny Narażenia matek dzieci na Toksyny, KONT-15). The evaluation of child development was based on psychometric tools: Munich Functional Developmental Diagnostics (MFDD), Speech (MM-speech) and Reflex (MM-reflexes) Development Questionnaire, IRMIK – the Polish adaptation of the MacArthur-Bates Communication Development Inventories (CDI), as well as the Child Development (RD-18) questionnaire, designed by M. Wawrzynów.

Results: The study demonstrated that a substantial majority of the mothers had come into contact with toxicants. A statistically significant relationship was demonstrated between developmental delays in the children and high exposure to toxins in the mothers.

Conclusions: Environmental pollutants found primarily in food, medication, everyday items, as well as the air exert a negative influence on childhood development. Significant exposure to toxins in the mother is conducive to developmental delays in the child.


environmental pollutants; toxins; children; psychomotor development

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21164/pomjlifesci.682

Copyright (c) 2021 Paulina Zabielska, Marta Wawrzynów, Joanna Owsianowska, Sylwia Wieder-Huszla, Artur Kotwas, Anna Jurczak, Beata Karakiewicz

License URL: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/