Goodpasture syndrome as a rare cause of massive respiratory tract hemorrhage

Małgorzata Wojtyś, Piotr Waloszczyk, Jacek Alchimowicz, Norbert Wójcik, Bogumił Maciąg, Piotr Lisowski, Janusz Wójcik, Tomasz Grodzki


In this study, the cases of a patient with Goodpasture syndrome (also referred to as anti-glomerular basement membrane disease) and a patient with the morphological features of Goodpasture syndrome or Goodpasture-like syndrome found in a histopathological examination are described. In both cases the course of the disease was atypical, with a massive respiratory tract hemorrhage being the most significant symptom. Accordingly, the presented patients were treated surgically. Furthermore, the paper described diagnostic difficulties in identifying the cause of the hemorrhage. Finally, the importance of histopathological examination in the diagnosis of Goodpasture syndrome and the Goodpasture-like syndrome with atypical course is emphasized.


anti-glomerular basement membrane disease; pulmonary-renal syndrome; alveolar hemorrhage; histopathological examination; surgical treatment

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Copyright (c) 2019 Małgorzata Wojtyś, Piotr Waloszczyk, Jacek Alchimowicz, Norbert Wójcik, Bogumił Maciąg, Piotr Lisowski, Janusz Wójcik, Tomasz Grodzki

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