Analysis of the styles of coping with stress in women in the preoperative period

Katarzyna Szymoniak, Małgorzata Rychlicka, Małgorzata Zimny, Krystyna Czechowska, Regina Powirska-Swęd, Anna Jurczak, Dorota Ćwiek


Introduction: Stress constitutes a serious social and health problem. At the beginning of the 21st century, it became a very common and popular topic in medicine. As such, it is important to conduct studies on the causes of preoperative stress and strategies of dealing with it, especially in a hospital environment. Our research results, alongside numerous other studies, show that the problem is still present.
The aim of the study was to analyze the styles of coping with stress in women before surgeries using the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations (CISS).
Materials and methods: The study was conducted on 339 women admitted to a surgical gynecology clinic. A diagnostic survey with a questionnaire CISS was conducted.
Results: The most dominant style of coping with stress is the avoidance-oriented style which is prevalent in 35.4% of respondents. The study shows that use of the avoidance-oriented style decreases with age (p = 0.007). Younger women try to avoid stress by socializing more frequently than older individuals. Less-educated women focus on avoiding stress more often (p = 0.017) than well-educated women who are more task-oriented (p = 0.011). Women with fewer past surgeries seek social contact to avoid stress more frequently (p = 0.019). Engaging in substitutive activities is more prevalent among women who underwent surgeries where the abdominal cavity is opened.
Conclusions: 1. Gynecological surgeries are a source of stress and a great emotional burden for women. 2. Older, well-educated women show better skills in coping with preoperative stress. 3. Most respondents use the avoidance-oriented style.


gynecology; stress before surgery; women

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