Anorexia (anorexia nervosa)

Agata Bąba-Kubiś, Justyna Pełka-Wysiecka, Paweł Liśkiewicz, Michał Wroński, Anna Konopka, Jerzy Samochowiec



The problem of eating disorders was described in literature for the first time at the end of the 17th century. Nowadays, the term eating disorders means adisturbance to eating habits for which the common denominator is, among others, a characteristic way of thinking and behaviors observed in people who are ill. Anorexia is a disorder increasingly observed among young people, but in fact the problem of eating disorders affects each age group and gender, and this aspect is presented in the following article.


anorexia; causes; population

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Copyright (c) 2018 Agata Bąba-Kubiś, Justyna Pełka-Wysiecka, Paweł Liśkiewicz, Michał Wroński, Anna Konopka, Jerzy Samochowiec

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