Knowledge of risk factors and prevention of breast cancer among female university students in Wroclaw

Iwona Malicka, Marta Jelecka



Introduction: The research so far shows that despite many worldwide and national campaigns, women’s knowledge about breast cancer is still insufficient or not used in practice.

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the knowledge of breast cancer risk factors and preventive measures among young women (female students).

Materials and methods: The study group consisted of 320 female students, respondents from University School of Physical Education in Wroclaw (USPEW), Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, University of Wroclaw, and Wroclaw Medical University (WMU). The study was questionnaire-based. The results of the survey have been analyzed in terms of the female respondents’ place of residence, and depending on the higher education institutions.

Results: The place of residence does not have an impact on the awareness and knowledge of the female students in respect of breast cancer risk factors and preventive measures. The majority of female students are acquainted with breast cancer risk factors. The female students from the WMU and USPEW in particular had the greatest knowledge in this respect. The female students did not have their breasts examined at the doctor’s office. Moreover, in most cases they do not self-examine their breasts, or they do it irregularly. The female students derive their knowledge about breast cancer risk factors and preventive measures mainly from media and the press.

Conclusions: In general, the female students know the symptoms of breast cancer; however, the knowledge depends on the university profile. Theoretical knowledge was not used in practice. Regardless of the university profile, respondents reported the need for campaigns to fight cancer in Poland.


breast cancer; prevention; risk factors; knowledge; social campaigns

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Copyright (c) 2018 Iwona Malicka, Marta Jelecka

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