An analysis of the functioning of mental healthcare in northwestern Poland

Marta Bażydło, Beata Karakiewicz


Introduction: Modern psychiatry faces numerous challenges related with the change of the epidemiology of mental disorders and the development of knowledge in this area of science. An answer to this situation is to be the introduction of community psychiatry. The implementation of this model in Poland was the aim of the National Mental Health Protection Programme. The aim of the study was to analyse the functioning of mental healthcare using the example of the West Pomeranian Province in Poland.

Materials and methods: The analysis relied on a qualitative method. Three group interviews in an interdisciplinary advisory panel were conducted. People representing various areas acting for people with mental disorders participated in each meeting. Based on the conclusions that were drawn, PEST and SWOT analyses of functioning of mental healthcare were performed.

Results: Within the analysis of the macro-environment of mental healthcare, the influence of the following factors was evaluated through PEST analysis: political and legal, economic, socio-cultural, and technological. All of these factors were assessed as negative for the functioning of mental healthcare. Then, a SWOT analysis was performed to indicate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the functioning of mental healthcare.

Conclusions: 1. Mental healthcare is more influenced by external factors than by internal factors. 2. Macro-environmental factors influence the functioning of mental healthcare in a significantly negative manner. 3. The basic problem in the functioning of mental healthcare is insufficient funding. 4. In order to improve the functioning of mental healthcare, it is necessary to change the funding methods, regulations, the way society perceives mental disorders, and the system of monitoring mental healthcare services.


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