Barbara Dywejko, Iwona Rotter, Ewa Kemicer‑Chmielewska, Beata Karakiewicz


Introduction: Sport among disabled people is becoming more and more popular. It is happening mostly due to the growing number of sports centres for the disabled, and the widespread popularization of this form of activity by organizations working for the benefit of disabled people. Also, the mass media play an important role in the process. The aim of the study a comparison of the knowledge and opinions about disabled sports of physical education students and disabled athletes. Methods: The research was conducted using two different questionnaires. One of them was given to students of Physical Education, the other to members of a disabled sports club, “Start”. The questionnaires consisted of two sections: a personal profile, and 17 questions about disabled sports. 45 full‑time students of Physical Education at the University of Szczecin: 30 (66.7%) women and 15 (33.3%) men. The average age of the group was 23.6 years. The second group, from the disabled sports club, consisted of 33 people, 18 (54.5%) women and 15 (45.5%) men; the average age of the participants was 28.6 years. Results: Among the disabled people, 10 (30.3%) people were unable to name any disabled athlete; among the group of able‑bodied students, there were 33 (73.3%) people who were not able to do the same thing. According to students, disabled people do sports mainly for rehabilitation purposes (51.1%). According to the disabled students’ group, however, sport for disabled people means satisfaction and higher self‑esteem (36.36%). When it comes to the best source of information on the subject, television proved to be the best one among the media. The able‑bodied students rated their knowledge of disabled sports as satisfactory (66.7%), while only 6% of disabled students considered the knowledge of able‑bodied people about disabled sports to be satisfactory. Conclusions: 1. The knowledge about disabled sports among students of physical education is superficial. The disabled also do not possess an extensive knowledge about disabled sports. 2. Opinion on the importance of sport in the lives of disabled people differ between the research groups. Able‑bodied people see the role of sport mainly as a rehabilitation tool; disabled people, however, see it as an activity giving satisfaction and raising their self‑esteem.


disabled athletes; students; the disabled

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21164/pomjlifesci.15

Copyright (c) 2016 Barbara Dywejko, Iwona Rotter, Ewa Kemicer‑Chmielewska, Beata Karakiewicz

License URL: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/